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We’ve helped students like you earn their degree faster by accepting college credits from over 5,000所认可院校. 在大多数情况下,我们可以要求你的成绩单,你没有任何费用.

We’ve helped students like you earn their degree faster by accepting college credits from over 5,000所认可院校. 在大多数情况下,我们可以要求你的成绩单,你没有任何费用.

其他转学生得救 [1]


其他转学生得救 [1]

0 - 0个月

[1] 基于的节省 the 25th and 75th percentile of transfer credits awarded to University of Phoenix undergraduate students in 2022. 



1. 收集



2. 应用



3. 完整的


Current students should speak with an academic advisor about applying potential savings for your education plan.



See if you can finish your degree quickly and affordably without starting from scratch. Take the first step and get an estimate of how many prior college credits you may be able to transfer into your degree, 没有义务注册.



我们将代表你索取成绩单, 然而,有些院校可能会要求你直接索要成绩单. 打电话给1-844-937-8679 找招生代表谈谈.



Maximize your associate degree credits to save time and money on your bachelor’s degree.



Save with transfer credits from an institution recognized by the country’s ministry of education or equivalent body.





本科计划: 120个学分



大学学分是在成功完成一门推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜后获得的. These credits may then be applied as college transfer credits to your current program if a previously completed course fulfills your current program requirements.


所需总学分(学士): 120个学分

申请转学分: 3学分


Prior coursework from a degree-granting institution with institutional accreditation, or credit earned through a national testing program such as the College-Level Examination Program (CLEP), 或大学先修推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜, 可以转让, 取决于你的成绩/分数. Your professional training or military training may also be converted into academic credits.

一点也不. Your GPA will be determined by the credits earned in residence at University of Phoenix.

学分的转移由接收机构自行决定. It is the student’s responsibility to confirm whether credits earned at University of Phoenix will be accepted by another institution of the student’s choice.

The University of Phoenix can perform a pre-evaluation using your unofficial transcripts to give you an idea of how your transfer credits may apply to your selected program. 正式, 你需要填写录取表格, 提供所有就读学校的信息, 并在转账申请表上签字. When all forms and transcripts are received, you’ll know for sure what transfer credits will apply.

转大学学分不用花钱. In most cases we can request your official transcripts from prior institutions for you. 这节省了你的时间和金钱. 在某些情况下,院校可能会要求你直接提出申请.

你也许可以 申请军训以获得大学学分. 我们将为您索取您的联合服务成绩单(JST), and evaluate your military experience using credit recommendations from the American Council for 教育 (ACE).

是的. Transfer your associate degree from an institutionally accredited community college to save $144 per three-credit course. We have relationships with community colleges across the country that make transferring credit to University of Phoenix easier for you. 如果你有副学士学位的话 3+1传递途径 lets you transfer 87 credits, the equivalent of three years, from a participating community college.

Talk with an enrollment representative to learn more about applying Prior Learning Assessment to apply for credit for what you have learned through work and life experiences. Alternative credit providers and national testing programs are other options that allow you to save.

Get evaluated for academic credentials from a number of international colleges and universities. If we’re unable to review your credits for some reason, we’ll direct you to an agency that can. 请注意,外语成绩单需要经过认证的英语翻译.

Be sure to check with other colleges about their credit transfer process as every college is different. University of Phoenix accepts transfer credits and has received transfer credits from over 5,000所认可院校. 

Transfer credits are any college level courses completed with an acceptable grade as outlined in the transfer credit policies at a degree granting, 并申请推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜.

好消息是大学学分永远不会过期, however completed credits may not always apply to specific courses needed for a particular program or institutional policy limitations may limit the number of credits that can be applied. It is recommended to have all transcripts reviewed to see what credits may be applied for potential credit to your program.


The best option is to call and speak with an enrollment representative who can discuss how your credits may transfer.

You can also check out our transfer guides to see how courses will transfer into a University of Phoenix degree program with hundreds of community college transfer agreements.